2017 Special Events
Pedal for Paws 2020 cycling event. Gallatin, Tennessee
ARRL Field Day 2020, Gallatin. Tennessee
Hendersonville Freedom Fest 2020, Hendersonville, Tennessee
7th Annual Pedal For Paws 2020
A 14, 30, 45, & 62 mile cycling event in Gallatin, Sumner County, Tennessee
- What: Pedal For Paws 2020 cycling event benefiting Sumner Spay Neuter Alliance
- Where: Gallatin Civic Center, 210 Albert Gallatin Ave., Gallatin, TN 37066
- When: Saturday May 2, 2020, 8:00 AM to Approx 3:00 PM local time (Radio operators requested to arrive at 7:00 sharp for assignments and briefing).
- Callsign: This will be a DIRECTED NET operation. Ares call N4SCA prior to event, then will change to tactical call signs for the duration of the event.
- Frequency: 146.88, 444.350.

At their request, the Sumner County ARES team, again will be assisting the Pedal for Paws organization in support of their communications needs for the duration of this event. This is a popular, moderate sized, bicycling event for amateur and professional cyclists alike. There several posts available that communications assistance would be needed (to include sitting, standing, walking, and vehicle passenger [communicator/navigator] for SAG vehicles). Pedal For Paws is a cycling event to benefit the Sumner Spay Neuter Alliance, a low-cost spay neuter clinic serving Middle Tennessee. While Sumner ARES members are the primary communications support for this event, any currently licensed amateur radio operator that has portable HT and or portable mobile capabilities (operators may be assigned to authorized SAG vehicles that are either business donated or privately owned by non-hams) that is not currently a member is invited to volunteer to participate. Prior authorization for non-members of Sumner ARES is required and must contact Bill Esquilla, Asst. Emergency Coordinator at W3UO@arrl.net no later than Saturday April 25, 2020 to be considered for inclusion in this event.
Please direct any general questions to the SCARES Emergency Coordinator
**Members interested in providing support for this event must contact Jack Babbit, SCARES Emergency Coordinator at WA5ZAY@SumnerARES.org
**SumnerARES Member notice: This public event is a scheduled deployment and will qualify for task achievement in the SPTB (taskbook) for the Public Service Event (Annual) for the Intermeate level.
ARRL Field Day 2020
Every year the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) holds a field day that is best described as; part educational event, part operating event, part public relations event, and most importantly ALL amateur radio fun! ARRL Field Day is one of the most popular amateur radio events held on the fourth weekend in June and draws around 35,000 amateur radio operators from clubs, groups, or simply with friends to operate from remote locations. This also is a testing and evaluating event for the readiness of ham radio operators to serve their local communities or the communities of others in emergencies or natural disasters.
The Sumner County Amateur Radio Association and the Sumner County Amateur Radio Emergency Service will host a Field Day with multiple amateur radio portable stations to work every amateur frequency band and operating mode available to demonstrate the effectiveness and the value of amateur radio including Morse Code. This event is open to the public including any current and/or aspiring amateur radio licensee of ANY age.
Every year the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) holds a field day that is best described as; part educational event, part operating event, part public relations event, and most importantly ALL amateur radio fun! ARRL Field Day is one of the most popular amateur radio events held on the fourth weekend in June and draws around 35,000 amateur radio operators from clubs, groups, or simply with friends to operate from remote locations. This also is a testing and evaluating event for the readiness of ham radio operators to serve their local communities or the communities of others in emergencies or natural disasters.
The Sumner County Amateur Radio Association and the Sumner County Amateur Radio Emergency Service will host a Field Day with multiple amateur radio portable stations to work every amateur frequency band and operating mode available to demonstrate the effectiveness and the value of amateur radio including Morse Code. This event is open to the public including any current and/or aspiring amateur radio licensee of ANY age.
Further information can be found for Field Day can be found by following the links below including history, objective, and official rules for the event:

- What: ARRL Field Day 2020 (24 Hour "On-the-Air" event)
- Where: Lock 4 Park Recreational Area, Located at the very end of Lock 4 Road in Gallatin, TN
- When: Saturday June 27, 2017 thru Sunday June 28, 2017
- Call Sign: The SCARA club call sign, W4LKZ, will be used for ARRL club logging and documentation and also for those persons unlicensed but interested in ham radio who wish to get on the air and talk to the other side of the country even the possibly other countries too. Licensed radio amateurs who are submitting their own personal logs to ARRL are welcome to do so at this event.
- Added this year, a Technician, General, & Extra Class Licensing testing session will be available on site on June 27. Time : ** to be determined ** , **Pre-register for vital testing information prior to testing date. For LICENSE testing (T, G,& E) register with Bill, W3UO
** Sumner ARES and SCARA would like to extend thanks and recognition to the City of Gallatin Parks Department and the Gallatin Police Department for their involvement in making this event successful.
Hendersonville Freedom Fest 2017
The Hendersonville Area Chamber of Commerce along other local sponsors, present the Freedom Festival on July 3rd every year. The Freedom Festival is an all day event featuring live music, fun, food, and fireworks! Sumner ARES, at the request of the City of Hendersonville Police Department, provides additional support functions including amateur radio to assist in providing a safe environment for the thousands of attendees of this annual event.
For Further information about the Freedom Festival, Check out the Hendersonville Area Chamber of Commerce
- What: Hendersonville Freedom Festival 2017
- Where: Hendersonville Drakes Creek Park
- When: Monday, July 3rd., 2017 *Times TBD upon assignment*
- Call-sign: This will be a DIRECTED NET operation. Club call W4LKZ prior to event, then will change to tactical call signs for the duration of the event.
All Sumner ARES team members that are available to commit any amount of time, are encouraged to sign up for this event. This is a scheduled deployment and counts to the active member status. Those members that would like to work this event are to contact the Jack WA5ZAY@SumnerARES.org to be placed on the roster. More information relating to assignments and times will follow in the Sumner ARES meetings coming up.
**SumnerARES Member notice: This public event is a scheduled deployment and will qualify for task achievement in the SPTB (taskbook) for the Public Service Event (Annual) for the Intermeate level.